Well first we can start with my real name. My name is Damon P. Heard. I am a 23 year old man that lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was born in Raliegh , NC thought. I've live in Cincinnati for most of my life. But I've never felt the way that I feel when I am in my home state. I plan to move back there once I graduate from school. I attend the University of Cincinnati where I am studying Mathematics.
My Family

I am the only son of Gloria Parker and Cecil Heard. But I do have a half brother named Cecil Jr. and a half sister named Givanchy. I also have a host of adopted famiy members. The pic above is of most of my fam that live in Cincinnati with me.(my mom was da one who took tha pic so she aint in there so quit lookin! :))
My Nique

I am the proud father of Damonique Paullette Chimera Heard. She was born July 28 ,1994 but she acts like she's been here before. She came out pouting.
She is 4 years old goin on 24!! I love her to death though. She has her mothers looks and her fathers crazy sense of humor(that drives her mom crazy! :)) so she's a handfull from jump street. I love sitting back and just thinking that I have something that I can call my own and help mold. She's probably the most important thing to me next to GOD!
Me in general

I am a very caring person. I try to do the best that I can for whoever ask me for help. I've been nicknamed by my best friend as "The Black Superman" because I'm always out trying to save the world. I have a very active sense of humor and vivid imagination so I always have something to say. I feel that I have the gift of being able to fit into any situation that comes my way and that has also labeled me as a strong leader. When everyone else is runnin around with their head cut off I'm in the thick of the problem trying to figure how to fix it. I'm one of those cats that would probably be on da bomb squad or something. I love to write, listen to music and build computers. Yeah I said build computers!!! I've built about 8 computers for people as well as one for myself. It's just something that I enjoy figuring out. I also enjoy designing websites. But most of all I LOVE TO CHAT ON DA WEB ESPECIALLY IN DA WBS AFRICAN AMERICAN ROOM BABY!!! Hit me up in there sometime.
The Saint 74

A lot of peopl ask me where I got tha handle The Saint 74 from. Well here's the story;
For about 2 years I chatted under the handle Mr Eclipse T.E.S. Well this past Easter I went to church because I had not been in almost 4 years. Well something happended that day. Easter is the celebration of the resurection and accention of Jesus Christ right? Well it was like I was resurected that day as well. I felt this feeling that I had been missing in my life for a long while. A feeling of completeness, fullness, I can't even describe it but I had to keep a hold of it. So that day I decieded that no matter what I was going to start putting God first in my life again. I found a church home and was saved.
With this change of person I felt that I needed to change my handle. I wanted it to be something postitive to describe myself. Then it came to me....The Saint. We call each other Saints in church , why not be one outside of church. The 74 represent the year that I was born so that was the simple part.
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